Part 77: Update LX - Ending I: Good / Hard
Update LX - Ending I: Good / Hard
♪ BGM: Cave Of The Elras - Staffroll.mid ♫
Well, it's time to end this. For the first time, anyway. We're bringing the male vampire mage for Dark Ritual. We're also bringing fuck-all for recovery items. I have exactly two Blood Nectar items (+300 BP for the entire party), and that is it. This might turn out to be a bad decision. Well, let's just do it because fuck it, let's rock.

♪ BGM: The Inner Sanctum - lastdecision.mid ♫
We enter some sort of ominous chamber...

...and face off with Ghadar and Gorgoth.

Thinking about it, I forgot to do that for the Ustra reveal.

♪ BGM: Silence ♫

Weynard's body flashes red.

♪ BGM: Megalomania - Laughter2.mid ♫
In case you haven't picked up on this yet, this is a complete remake of the same scene from VD1. I feel like a quarter of what we're given would have worked just as well. I guess you could go back and compare this translation to mine of the same scene back in VD1? You know, if you REALLY have nothing to do...

The only difference here is that every once in a while, Weynard's corpse flashes black.

This line is highlighted. Pretty sure this is the only line that is in the entire game. Otherwise, it's just key words that come up for the first time, like "Holy Crusade" or "Blood Spirit".

Asgar then absorbs Weynard's Blood Spirit.

Fade to black.
♪ BGM: Silence ♫

♪ BGM: Disaster - AftertheStorm.mid ♫

♪ BGM: The Inner Sanctum - lastdecision.mid ♫

And here is where the endings divert. Our ending is determined by two factors - the first one is the difficulty, and the second one is humanity. Difficulty is straightforward - depending on whether we're playing on easy, normal or hard difficulty, events will progress differently.
However, right here is where the good/evil split comes into play. Whether Valnar or Morlon win this battle depends on two factors. If your humanity is at 49 or lower, then Morlon wins. If you lost the boss battle in the center of the mind, then Morlon wins. If neither of those are true, then Valnar wins. So in our case, we won the battle in the center of the mind, and our humanity is somewhere around 80, so Valnar wins out, and we're on track for the good ending.

It's time. We don't really have anything to prepare, so let's get to it.

♪ BGM: Endgame Battles - BossBattle.mid ♫
This is going to be fun.

Raron / Gorgoth:
Recommended level: 99
HP: 13000
BP: 2000
Attack: 999
Defense: 950
Intelligence: 500
Agility: 500
Behavior List:
- Attack
- Holy Regeneration 3 (heals all enemies, base healing of 500, also inflicts Regeneration 3 on all enemies)
- Neutralization (hits all party members, reduces Intelligence by a base effect of 10, removes Regeneration, Mirror and Phantom with a base chance of 100%)
- Magical Mirror (targets self, raises Agility by a base effect of 10, inflicts Mirror with a base chance of 100%)
- Phantom (targets self, raises Agility by a base effect of 10, inflicts Phantom with a base chance of 100%)
- Magical Healing (heals all enemies, base healing of 300, cures all negative status effects)
- Purification (targets all enemies, raises Intelligence by a base effect of 10, cures all negative status effects)
- Crippling Frost (targets one party member, deals base 600 ice damage, inflicts Paralyzed with a base chance of 100%)
- Attack
- Attack
- Holy Sand (hits all party members, removes Regeneration, Mirror and Phantom with a base chance of 100%)
- Holy Sand (hits all party members, removes Regeneration, Mirror and Phantom with a base chance of 100%)
Gorgoth is the support caster of the group. He can basically fuck your plans to use status effects up pretty hard, can heal a fuckton of damage, and can of course use Mirror and Phantom.
Jayna / Ghadar:
Recommended level: 99
HP: 13000
BP: 2000
Attack: 999
Defense: 950
Intelligence: 500
Agility: 500
Behavior List:
- Attack
- Transform into Form 2 (only when at 50% health or lower, will do this ASAP)
- Traitor (targets one party member, inflicts Confused with a base chance of 50%)
- Rusty Armor (targets one party member, reduces Defense by 500)
- Great Storm (targets all party members, 500 base water damage)
- Apocalypse (targets all party members, 800 base fire damage)
- Wrath of the Gods (targets all party members, 750 base light damage)
- Attack
- Holy Sand (hits all party members, removes Regeneration, Mirror and Phantom with a base chance of 100%)
- Holy Sand (hits all party members, removes Regeneration, Mirror and Phantom with a base chance of 100%)
Ghadar is the offensive caster of the group. He has some real "fuck you" spells, with Rusty Armor being chief among them. 500 less Defense is at least half lost, if not more, and attacks after that are going to fucking hurt. He has a ton of elemental damage, so you can't resist one particular type and defang him that way.
Also, to add to the fun, this fight also has the hidden ability Ustra had - every ten rounds, a white flash removes Mirror and Phantom from the entire party, because fuck you.

Now here's something *super* fucking weird. The moment the fight starts, both enemies take 6000 damage, just like that. Now, this is nothing unusual if you're playing on easy difficulty. There, a ton of bosses lose HP the moment the fight starts to give you an easier time, and indeed, if you fight these two on easy, they lose 7000 HP the moment the fight starts. However, this group is the only one in the entire game that has the bosses losing HP on hard. This is the only fight that might actually be harder on normal difficulty.

Anyway, Valnar gets paralyzed by Crippling Frost immediately. Alaine and Asgar start swinging for the fences with Ultima 2, and the mage throws acid potions at the enemies to reduce their defense.

With the HP removed at the beginning and a few spells, Ghadar is below 50% health already, so he shifts into Form 2. What's Form 2 like?
Jayna / Ghadar - Form 2:
Recommended level: 99
HP: 13000
BP: 2000
Attack: 999
Defense: 950
Intelligence: 500
Agility: 460
Behavior List:
- Attack
- Death Haze (targets all party members, inflicts Rigor with a base chance of 20%)
- Apocalypse (targets all party members, 800 base fire damage)
- Massive Tide (targets all party members, 800 base water damage)
- Attack
It's a fucking asshole, that's what. The spell damage is upped, and he gets that fucking bastard death spell that wrecked my shit so hard before.
Now, Alaine and Asgar use Ultima 2 again, and the mage starts using Dark Ritual on them now. Basically, from that point on, I'm in full damage race mode - I have no healing abilities or anything, I just have to hope my guys do more damage than their guys.
Thankfully, I get super fucking lucky with Death Haze, and each time Ghadar uses it, it completely fizzles. Furthermore, I realized that you can just buy Holy Sand from Mandrake, so when Gorgoth uses Phantom on Ghadar, I can just dispel it away again.

And thanks to some good damage from us and some really good luck, we make it through. Valnar lost the Paralyze status just in time to watch Alaine kill Ghadar. Useless git.

♪ BGM: The Inner Sanctum - lastdecision.mid ♫

Do it, you immortal fuck!


Yup! It's time for a double boss fight!

I used the two Blood Nectars to fill up our BP and heal up, but I make a bit of a mistake. I forgot that the Rage status from lack of BP only goes away after a while. Also, note Valnar not being in the party. Remember, Asgar is his creator, and thus Valnar cannot attack him!

♪ BGM: Stronger Enemies - VD2Kampf3.mid ♫
And because of that, we're just going to have to fight this fight on autopilot.

Recommended level: 99
HP: 10000
BP: 2000
Attack: 700
Defense: 700
Intelligence: 600
Behavior List:
- Attack
- Arctic Cold (targets one party member, deals 500 base ice damage)
- Nothingness Shadow (targets one party member, deals 600 base shadow damage)
- Raven Whispering (targets one party member, deals 800 base shadow damage, inflicts Blind with a base 100% success chance)
- Attack
- Attack
Asgar's not that tough, actually.

We proc Bleeding on him thanks to our vampire weapons, and from then on, he can't last long. I actually went to take a piss during this fight. It's weird having a boss fight where I have to do exactly nothing.

♪ BGM: Silence ♫

Raron's and Jayna's bodies start flashing black.

Jayna's body starts flashing red.

Valnar then absorbs her Blood Spirit.

Valnar then absorbs his Blood Spirit as well.

I would have shit myself if the game just went "nope, your Ancient Languages skill is too low and Valnar can't read the stone tablet". But it doesn't do that. What it does do...


Yup! It's time for a TRIPLE boss fight! Also, I might as well tell you now, this is another way the game does difficulty. On the good ending branch, you fight all three of these fights on hard difficulty, on normal difficulty Nyria doesn't show up, and on easy difficulty Nyria doesn't show up and Asgar just rolls his eyes at Valnar and Alaine going "I love you", and doesn't attack them.

I heal up Valnar as much as I can (he was basically dead after the first fight), and that's about all I can do. I have no more healing items or anything.

♪ BGM: Stronger Enemies - VD2Kampf3.mid ♫
Let's rock.

Recommended level: 99
HP: 10000
BP: 800
Attack: 860
Defense: 920
Intelligence: 400
Agility: 400
Behavior List:
- Attack
- Blade Storm (targets all party members, deals 400 base damage, inflicts Bleeding with 90% base success chance)
- Gather Strength (targets self, heals 200 base HP and raises Attack by 200)
- Attack
- Attack
Oh, poor Nyria. Poor, poor Nyria. She doesn't stand a chance. Basically, Alaine gets her blood back using blood sucking, procs Bleeding on Nyria, and then everybody just spams powerful spells (Arctic Cold, Comet and Ultima 2).

She goes down super hard.

♪ BGM: Silence ♫

The stone tablet then flashes violently, and then a cut to black.
Tune in for the thrilling conclusion, which will be posted... immediately!